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Terms and Acronyms


Terms used by OIDC-FED#Section_1.2 and this documentation.

Fedetarion Authority

A legal Entity that handles the trust among the parties involved in the Federation, regulates the funcional aspects and the onboarding procedures.

Trust Anchor

Entity handled by the Federation Authority that represents the Federation, its configuration and the trust root.

Intermediate Entity or Intermediate

An Intermediate Entity (SA), facilitates the onboarding process in the Federation and MAY handle the functionalities on behalf of its subordinate (aggregated) Entities. Inside the Federation, the Intermediate publishes its configuration and the Entity statements of its subordinates, according to the rules defined by Fedetarion Authority.

Leaf Entity or Leaf

Entity defined by OpenID Connect as Relying Party and OpenID Provider. It could also be an Attribute Authority (OAuth2 Authorization Server and Resource Server).


Participant to the the Federation. It may be a Trust Anchor, Intermediate or Leaf.

Entity Configuration

Federation metadata issued by an Entity about itself, in the form of a self-signed JWT RFC 7515. It contains the public Federation's signing keys, the OIDC metadata, the URLs of its superiors authorities and the Trust Marks issued by authorities that are recognizable inside the Federation and that certify the Entity's compliance to specific profiles.

Entity Statement

Statement issued by a superior Entity (Trust Anchor or Intermediate) regarding a subordinate subject (RP, OP or Intermediate), in the form of a signed JWT RFC 7515, containing the public key of the Entity, the Trust Marks issued by the Entity itself and the Metadata policy to be applied to the subject's Metadata.

Trust Mark

JWT RFC 7515 signed by a Trust Mark issuer about an Entity. It certifies that the Entity complies with profiles that are recognizable inside the Federation (public of private RP, public or private Intermediate Entity, etc.). A Leaf that aquires a Trust Mark during an Onboarding process, MUST include it in its Entity Configuration.


A Metadata document describes the implementation of an OpenID Connect or OAuth2 Entity. The implementations of all the Entities share the Metadata to establish a common method of trust and interoperability.

Metadata policy

The Trust Anchor publishes rules and policies to be applied to the subordinates' Metadata, specifying what values and values subsets are allowed for a given Metadata claim.

Authority hint

An array of URLs containing the identifiers of the superior Entities, Trust Anchor or Intermediate, that MUST issue an Entity Statement for their own subordinates.

Federation Entity Discovery

Collection of Entity Configuration / Statements, from a Leaf Entity up to the Trust Anchor

Trust Chain

Validation Procedure of the sequence of Entity Configuration / Statements that have been collected through the Federation Entity Discovery, whose positive result is a final Metadata regarding an Entity, and the expiry date before which it must be updated.


Registration Procedure of a new Entity inside the SPID and CIE Federations.

Federation Endpoint

Endpoints defined in OIDC Federation 1.0, used to fetch and resolve Entity statements, query a list of all the subordinate Entities and check the trust mark status.


In this section are defined all the acronyms that are used throughout the text.


Italian Public System of Digital Identity, whose Federation Authority is AgID (Agenzia per L'Italia Digitale).


Italian Digital Identity System based on the Electronic ID Card (CIE), whose Federation Authority is the Ministry of the Interior. The technical and operative management is given to the State Mint and Polygraphic Institute (IPZS).


OpenID Connect.


OIDC Federation 1.0.


Federation Authority.


OIDC Federation Trust Anchor.


Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale, FA/TA of SPID.


Ministry of Interior, FA/TA of CIE id.


OpenID Provider (Leaf Entity).


Relying Party (Leaf Entity).


Intermediate Entity or Intermediate. An intermediate Entity that can handle all the Federation aspects of one or more RPs.


Attribute Authority, handler of the qualified attribues (Leaf Entity).


Trust Mark.


Entity Configuration.


Entity Statement.


Uniform Resource Locator, it is a web address.


See RFC 7519 Jones, M., Bradley, J. and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web Token (JWT)", RFC 7519, DOI 10.17487/RFC7519, May 2015.


OAuth2 Resource Server


The value of a JWT (JSON Web Token).

Conventions and Normative Terms

The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRES", "REQUIRE", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY" and "OPTIONAL" in the present document must be interpreted as described at BCP 14 RFC 2119 RFC 8174 when and only when they appear in capital letters.

Le notations [...] and ... mean that the text has been cut off for editor's requirements.

base64url denotes the URL-safe base64 coding without padding, defined at RFC 7515#section-2.

All the examples contained in this document must be considered as non-normative.


All the examples contained in this documentation are meant to be non-normative