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Authentication Flow

The authentication schemas "Entra con SPID" and "Entra con CIE" implement the OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow with the PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange, RFC 7636). This flow returns an Authorization Code that can be used to get an ID Token, an Access Token and possibly a Refresh Token too. The Authorization Code Flow gets the Authorization Code from the Authorization Endpoint of the OpenID Provider and all the tokens are returned by the Token Endpoint.


In the following, the descriptions of the flow steps, with the numbers indicated in the picture.

  1. The User, in the access page of the Relying Party (RP):

    • Clicks on the button "Enter with SPID" or "Enter with CIE";

    • In the SPID case, choses the authentication OP.

  2. The RP prepares an Authorization Request and sends it to the Authorization Endpoint of the OP.

  3. The OP authenticates the user and received the user's consent to release his attributes to the RP.

  4. The OP redirects the user to the URL contained in the parameter redirect_uri specified by the RP, passing an Authorization Code in the Authorization Response.

  5. The RP sends the Authorization Code received at the OP Token Endpoint.

  6. The OP Token Endpoint releases an ID Token, an Access Token and, if expected, a Refresh Token.

  7. The RP receives and validates the Access Token and the ID Token. Then requests the user's attributes to the OP UserInfo Endpoint and uses, for the authentication, the Access Token contained in the HTTP Authorization header.

  8. The OP UserInfo Endpoint checks the Access Token validity and releases the required attributes to the RP.