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Federation Endpoints

All the Entities MUST contain the following endpoints:

  • /.well-known/openid-federation: gives the Entity Configuration (for more details, see OIDC-FED Section 6)

  • resolve Entity statement endpoint: gives the final Metadata, the Trust Chain and the Trust Marks regarding another subject. For more details, see OIDC-FED Section 7.2).


  • the resolve endpoint MUST NOT return TMs which are not valid at the time of the request;

  • the resolve endpoint MUST return the serialized Trust Chain for the subject.

In addition to the Federation endpoints reported before, the Entities of type TA or SA MUST provide the following endpoints:

  • fetch Entity statement endpoint: returns the ESs regarding a direct subordinate subject. For obtaining the ES of an Entity, at least its Entity identifier is needed. (For more details, see OIDC-FED Section 7.1).

  • trust mark status endpoint: allows an Entity to test if a TM is still active or not. The request MUST be sent to the subject that has released that TM. (For more details, see OIDC-FED Section 7.4).

  • Entity listing endpoint: returns the list of the subordinate Entities registered by the TA or an SA. (For more details, see OIDC-FED Section 7.3).

An Entity of type AA, in addition to the common Federation endpoints like all the Entities, MUST also include the trust mark status endpoint for allowing the dynamic validation of the TMs, released by the AA.


Federation endpoint webpaths MUST be defined as follows:

  • */.well-known/openid-federation

  • */fetch

  • */resolve

  • */trust_mark_status

  • */list