Entity Configuration of Relying Parties

According to Section Configuration of the Federation, as a Federation Entity, the Relying Party is required to maintain a well-known endpoint that hosts its Entity Configuration. The Entity Configuration of Relying Parties MUST contain the parameters defined in the Sections Entity Configuration Leaves and Intermediates and Entity Configurations Common Parameters.

The Relying Parties MUST provide the following metadata types:

  • federation_entity

  • openid_credential_verifier

The federation_entity metadata MUST contain the claims as defined in Section Metadata of federation_entity Leaves.

Metadata for openid_credential_verifier

The openid_credential_verifier metadata MUST contain the following parameters.




It MUST contain an HTTPS URL that uniquely identifies the RP. See RFC 7591#section-3.2.1 and OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 Section 3.2.


Human-readable string name of the RP. See RFC 7591#section-2.


String indicating the type of application. It MUST be set to "web" value. See OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 Section 2.


JSON Array of request_uri values that are pre-registered by the RP. These URLs MUST use the https scheme. See OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 Section 2.


JSON Array of response URI strings to which the Wallet Instance MUST send the Authorization Response using an HTTP POST request as defined by the Response Mode direct_post and direct_post.jwt (see OpenID4VP Draft 20 Sections 6.2 and 6.3).


String representing the signing [RFC 7515] alg algorithm that MUST be used for signing authorization responses. The algorithm none MUST NOT be used. See JARM.


Algorithm used to encrypt the authorization response. It specifies to the Wallet Instance the asymmetric encryption algorithm. See JARM.


Encryption algorithm used for the authorization response. It specifies to the Wallet Instance the symmetric encryption algorithm. See JARM.


JSON object defining the formats and proof types of Verifiable Presentations and Verifiable Credentials the RP supports. It consists of a list of name/value pairs, where each name uniquely identifies a supported type. The RP MUST support at least "dc+sd-jwt". The value associated with each name/value pair MUST be a JSON object "sd-jwt_alg_values" that MUST contain a JSON array containing identifiers of cryptographic algorithms the RP supports for protection of a SD-JWT. The alg JOSE header (as defined in RFC 7515) of the presented SD-JWT MUST match one of the array values. See also OpenID4VP Draft 20 Section 9.1.


JSON Web Key Set document, passed by value, containing the protocol specific keys for the Relying Party. See JARM Section 3, OID-FED Draft 41 Section 5.2.1 and JWK.


The claims response_uris_supported are introduced in this specification.

Example of a Relying Party Entity Configuration

Below a non-normative example of the request made by the Wallet Instance to the openid-federation well-known endpoint to obtain the Relying Party Entity Configuration:

GET /.well-known/openid-federation HTTP/1.1
HOST: relying-party.example.org

Below is a non-normative response example:

    "iat": 1718207217,
    "exp": 1749743216,
    "iss": "https://relying-party.example.org",
    "sub": "https://relying-party.example.org",
    "authority_hints": [
    "jwks": {
        "keys": [
                "kid": "FANFS3YnC9tjiCaivhWLVUJ3AxwGGz_98uRFaqMEEs",
                "kty": "EC",
                "crv": "P-256",
                "x": "jE2RpcQbFQxKpMqehahgZv6smmXD0i/LTP2QRzMADk4",
                "y": "qkMx5iqt5PhPu5tfctS6HsP+FmLgrxfrzUV2GwMQuh8"
    "metadata": {
        "federation_entity": {
            "homepage_uri": "https://relying-party.example.org",
            "organization_name": "Organization Name",
            "contacts": [
            "tos_uri": "https://relying-party.example.org/public/info_policy.html",
            "policy_uri": "https://relying-party.example.org/public/privacy_policy.html",
            "logo_uri": "https://relying-party.example.org/public/logo.svg"
        "openid_credential_verifier": {
            "application_type": "web",
            "client_id": "https://relying-party.example.org",
            "client_name": "Organization Name",
            "contacts": [
            "request_uris": [
            "response_uris": [
            "redirect_uris": [
            "authorization_signed_response_alg": "ES256",
            "vp_formats": {
                "dc+sd-jwt": {
                    "sd-jwt_alg_values": [
            "jwks": {
                "keys": [
                        "kid": "f10aca0992694b3581f6f699bfc8a2c6cc687725",
                        "kty": "EC",
                        "crv": "P-256",
                        "x": "jE2RpcQbFQxKpMqehahgZv6smmXD0i/LTP2QRzMADk4",
                        "y": "qkMx5iqt5PhPu5tfctS6HsP+FmLgrxfrzUV2GwMQuh8"