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<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">A architecto qui et veritatis.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Sequi quo rerum velit saepe.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Rerum est laborum quis distinctio.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Praesentium beatae totam iste atque sit quae.</a></li>
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<ul class="Linklist">
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">A architecto qui et veritatis.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Sequi quo rerum velit saepe.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Rerum est laborum quis distinctio.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Praesentium beatae totam iste atque sit quae.</a></li>
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<span class="Icon-drop-down Dropdown-arrow u-color-white"></span>
<ul class="Linklist">
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">A architecto qui et veritatis.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Sequi quo rerum velit saepe.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Rerum est laborum quis distinctio.</a></li>
<li><a href="#" class="u-color-50 u-padding-r-all">Praesentium beatae totam iste atque sit quae.</a></li>
import $ from 'jquery' /* * Fork of * * ! Menu - v0.1.3 - 2016-02-17 * https://github.com/filamentgroup/menu * Copyright (c) 2016 Scott Jehl Licensed MIT */ const at = { ariaHidden: 'aria-hidden' } const selectClass = 'is-selected' const focusables = 'a,input,[tabindex]' class Menu { constructor(element) { if (!element) { throw new Error('Element required to initialize object') } this.element = element this.$element = $(element) this.opened = true this.componentName = 'Menu' this.keycodes = { 38: function(e) { this.moveSelected('prev') e.preventDefault() }, 40: function(e) { this.moveSelected('next') e.preventDefault() }, // add right / left key navigation 37: function(e) { this.moveSelected('prev') e.preventDefault() }, 39: function(e) { this.moveSelected('next') e.preventDefault() }, 13: function() { // return the selected value return this.selectActive() }, 9: function(e) { this.moveSelected(e.shiftKey ? 'prev' : 'next') e.preventDefault() }, 27: function() { this.close() } } } moveSelected(placement, focus) { var $items = this.$element.find('li'), $selected = $items.filter('.' + selectClass), $nextSelected if (!$selected.length || placement === 'start') { $nextSelected = $items.eq(0) } else if (placement === 'next') { $nextSelected = $selected.next() if (!$nextSelected.length) { $nextSelected = $items.eq(0) } } else { $nextSelected = $selected.prev() if (!$nextSelected.length) { $nextSelected = $items.eq($items.length - 1) } } $selected.removeClass(selectClass) $nextSelected.addClass(selectClass) if (focus || $(window.document.activeElement).closest($selected).length) { if ($nextSelected.is(focusables)) { $nextSelected[0].focus() } else { var $focusChild = $nextSelected.find(focusables) if ($focusChild.length) { $focusChild[0].focus() } } } } getSelectedElement() { return this.$element.find('li.' + selectClass) } selectActive() { var trigger = this.$element.data(this.componentName + '-trigger') var $selected = this.getSelectedElement() if (trigger && $(trigger).is('input')) { trigger.value = $selected.text() } $selected.trigger(this.componentName + ':select') this.close() return $selected.text() } keyDown(e) { var fn = this.keycodes[e.keyCode] || function() {} return fn.call(this, e) } _bindKeyHandling() { var self = this this.$element .bind('keydown', function(e) { self.keyDown(e) }) .bind('mouseover', function(e) { self.$element.find('.' + selectClass).removeClass(selectClass) $(e.target).closest('li').addClass(selectClass) }) .bind('mouseleave', function(e) { $(e.target).closest('li').removeClass(selectClass) }) .bind('click', function() { self.selectActive() }) } open(trigger, sendFocus) { if (this.opened) { return } this.$element.attr(at.ariaHidden, false) this.$element.data(this.componentName + '-trigger', trigger) this.opened = true this.moveSelected('start', sendFocus) this.$element.trigger(this.componentName + ':open') } close() { if (!this.opened) { return } this.$element.attr(at.ariaHidden, true) this.opened = false var $trigger = this.$element.data(this.componentName + '-trigger') if ($trigger) { $trigger.focus() } this.$element.trigger(this.componentName + ':close') } toggle(trigger, sendFocus) { this[this.opened ? 'close' : 'open'](trigger, sendFocus) } init() { // prevent re-init if (this.$element.data(this.componentName)) { return } this.$element.data(this.componentName, this) this.$element.attr('role', 'menu') // @FIXME // design-web-toolkit mod: // be careful with the following as menuitem(s) // get a special treatment by screen readers .find('li').attr('role', 'menuitem') this.close() var self = this // close on any click, even on the menu $(document).bind('mouseup', function() { self.close() }) this._bindKeyHandling() this.$element.trigger(this.componentName + ':init') } } class Menutrigger { constructor(element) { if (!element) { throw new Error('Element required to initialize object') } this.element = element this.$element = $(element) this.$menu = $('#' + this.$element.attr('data-menu-trigger')) this.menu = this.$menu.data('Menu') this.componentName = 'Menutrigger' } _bindbehavior() { var self = this if (this.$element.is('a')) { this.$element .attr('role', 'button') .bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault() self.menu.toggle(this, true) }) } else if (this.$element.is('button')) { this.$element .bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault() self.menu.toggle(this, true) }) } else if (this.$element.is('input')) { this.$element .bind('input keyup', function() { if (this.value === '') { self.menu.close() } else { self.menu.open(this, false) } }) .bind('input keydown', function(e) { self.menu.keyDown(e) }) .bind('focus click', function() { if (this.value !== '') { self.menu.open() } }) .bind('blur', function() { self.menu.close() }) } } init() { // prevent re-init if (this.$element.data(this.componentName)) { return } this.$element.data(this.componentName, this) // add attrs this.$element.attr('aria-controls', this.$menu.attr('id')) this.$element.attr('aria-haspopup', 'true') this._bindbehavior() this.$element.trigger(this.componentName + ':init') } } export default { Menu, Menutrigger }
- URL: /components/raw/dropdown/dropdown.js
- Filesystem Path: src/components/dropdown/dropdown.js
- Size: 6.3 KB
:root { --Dropdown-arrow-size: 1rem; } .Dropdown-menu { @extend .u-zindex-max; margin-top: calc(var(--Dropdown-arrow-size) - 1); position: absolute; } .Dropdown-menu[aria-hidden=true] { visibility: hidden; } .Dropdown-menu:target, .Dropdown-menu[aria-hidden=false] { visibility: visible; } .Dropdown-arrow { display: block; font-size: calc(var(--Dropdown-arrow-size) * 2); height: calc(var(--Dropdown-arrow-size) * 3); left: 50%; margin-left: -var(--Dropdown-arrow-size); position: absolute; text-shadow: 0 -1px 1px #bbb; top: calc(var(--Dropdown-arrow-size) * -1.5); width: calc(var(--Dropdown-arrow-size) * 3); }
- URL: /components/raw/dropdown/index.css
- Filesystem Path: src/components/dropdown/index.css
- Size: 650 Bytes
import $ from 'jquery' import Popper from 'popper.js' import { Menu, Menutrigger } from './dropdown' // auto-init on enhance (which is called on domready) $.fn['menu'] = function() { return this.each(function() { new Menu(this).init() }) } $.fn['menu-trigger'] = function() { return this.each(function() { new Menutrigger(this).init() }) } $(document).bind('enhance', function(e) { $('[data-menu]', e.target)['menu']() $('[data-menu-trigger]', e.target)['menu-trigger']() }) //////////////////////////////////// $('[data-menu-trigger]').not('[data-menu-inline]').each((i, el) => { const $target = $('#' + $(el).attr('data-menu-trigger')) if (el && $target.length > 0) { new Popper(el, $target, { placement: 'bottom', modifiers: { arrow: { element: '.Dropdown-arrow' }, flip: { behavior: ['left', 'right'], boundariesElement: 'scrollParent' }, // preventOverflow: { // boundariesElement: 'viewport' // }, }, }) } }) export default { Menu, Menutrigger }
- URL: /components/raw/dropdown/index.js
- Filesystem Path: src/components/dropdown/index.js
- Size: 1.2 KB
- Handle: @dropdown
- Preview:
- Filesystem Path: src/components/dropdown/dropdown.tmpl
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