Authentic Sources

Authentic Sources provide Users attributes to the Credential Issuers enabling them in the issuance of the Digital Credentials. During the Issuance Flow, Credential Issuers request from Authentic Sources the attributes required to provide the requested Credential. Authentic Sources MAY also provide a Credential Offer related to their Credential Issuers as defined in Section Credential Offer Endpoint.

Public Authentic Sources MUST interact with Credential Issuers via PDND according to the rules defined in Section e-Service PDND and in Section Status Update by Authentic Sources. See also Section Authentic Source Catalogue for additional details.

Authentic Sources MUST:

  • provide User's attributes when requested by the Credential Issuer authorized to issue the related Digital Credential attesting the attributes. Public Authentic Sources MUST use PDND to send User's attributes to their Credential Issuers. When the User's attributes is not available duting the Issuance Flow, Authentic Sources MUST provide Credential Issuers with an estimated time when the User's data will be available. Authentic Sources MAY require an evidence that:

    • the request for Users attributes is related to data about themselves;

    • the request for User attributes comes from a valid Wallet Instance;

  • cooperate with their Credential Issuers so that the attributes attested in a Digital Credential are always kept up to date. Public Authentic Sources MUST use PDND to notify their Credential Issuers of any update regarding attributes that have changed or are no longer valid.

e-Service PDND

The EIDAS-ARF framework empowers Member States to establish the interfaces, terms, and conditions governing communication between Credential Issuers and Authentic Sources. In the Italian context, interoperability is established by leveraging the following guidelines:

  • "Linee Guida sull'interoperabilità tecnica delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni" (MODI);

  • "Linee Guida sull'infrastruttura tecnologica della Piattaforma Digitale Nazionale Dati per l'interoperabilità dei sistemi informativi e delle basi di dati" (PDND).

To leverage the PDND, entities MUST formally be subscribed becoming Participants (Aderenti). Within the PDND infrastructure, Participants MUST assume at least one of the the following roles:

  • Providers (Erogatori): expose e-Services to other Participants.

  • Consumers (Fruitori): utilize e-Services offered by Providers within the PDND infrastructure.

Access to an e-Service requires Consumers to obtain a specific Access Token, known within the PDND infrastructure as a Voucher.

Requirements and Security Patterns

This specification is based on the following set of requirements:





The Consumer and the Provider have both subscribed to the PDND infrastructure.



The communication between the Consumer and the Provider MUST ensure data integrity, authenticity, non-repudiation and replay protection.



The Provider MAY require the Consumer to provide tracked data to complement the request. In that case, there MUST be a correlation between the tracked data and the Voucher.



The e-Services MUST be implemented in REST, thus SOAP protocol MUST NOT be used.


PDND and MODI define several security patterns designed to enhance specific security properties in interactions between Participants. This specification adopts the following applicable security patterns:

Security Pattern

Compliant With

[REST_JWS_2021_POP] JWS POP Voucher Issuing Profile (Annex 3 - Standards and technical details used for Voucher Authorization [PDND]): REQUIRED. It adds a proof of possession on the Voucher. The Consumer using the Voucher to access an e-service MUST demonstrate the proof of possession of the private key whose public is attested on the Voucher.

R2, R4

[ID_AUTH_CHANNEL_01] Direct Trust Transport-Level Security (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]): REQUIRED. It protects the communication between the Consumer and the Provider by ensuring confidentiality, integrity, identification of the Provider, and mitigation against replay attack and spoofing.

R1, R2

[INTEGRITY_REST_02] REST Payload Integrity in PDND (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]): CONDITIONAL. It ensures the integrity of the payload of the REST Consumer request, within the PDND Infrastructure. It is REQUIRED whenever the request carries a payload.

R2, R4

[AUDIT_REST_02] Submission of audit data within the REST request with correlation (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]): OPTIONAL. The Provider MAY request additional data tracked in the Consumer's domain, with a correlation between such data and the authentication method. In that case, this pattern MUST be used.

R3, R4

In addition, this specification defines and applies a custom security pattern:

Security Pattern

Compliant With

REST Response Payload Integrity in PDND: REQUIRED. It ensures the integrity of the payload of the REST Provider response, within the PDND Infrastructure.


The following security patterns defined in PDND and MODI MUST NOT be used as they do not comply with the requirements defined above:

  • The following patterns can only be used when the Consumer cannot subscribe to the PDND infrastructure (i.e., the trust between the Participants needs to be established in a direct form), thus not complying with R1:

    • [ID_AUTH_CHANNEL_02] Direct Trust mutual Transport-Level Security (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI])

    • [ID_AUTH_REST_01] Direct Trust based on X.509 certificate with REST (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]).

    • [ID_AUTH_REST_02] Direct Trust based on X.509 certificate with REST and token/message uniqueness (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]).

    • [INTEGRITY_REST_01] REST Payload Integrity (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]).

  • The following pattern does not provide correlation between the tracked data and the Voucher, thus not complying with R3:

    • [AUDIT_REST_01] Submission of audit data within the REST request (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]).

  • The following patterns are based on a SOAP architecture, thus not complying with R4:

    • [ID_AUTH_SOAP_01] Direct Trust based on X.509 certificate with SOAP (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]).

    • [ID_AUTH_SOAP_02] Direct Trust based on X.509 certificate with SOAP and token/message uniqueness (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]).

    • [INTEGRITY_SOAP_01] SOAP Payload Integrity (Annex 2 - Security Patterns [MODI]).

PDND Voucher Issuance

The PDND infrastructure defines two different types of Vouchers:

  • For e-Service: allow Consumers to request data from an e-Service.

  • For Interoperability API: allow Participants to request data from the Interoperability API, exposed by the PDND Infrastructure.

The two flows are described below.

PDND Voucher for e-Service

PDND Voucher for e-Services Prerequisites

The Consumer MUST comply with the following prerequisites:

  • Has successfully subscribed to the PDND Infrastructure (as per R1).

  • Has created a new Client e-service to interact with the intended e-Service. Upon creation, it has been assigned a client_id by the PDND Platform.

  • Has registered a key pair associated with the Client e-service.

  • Has requested to enroll in the intended e-Service.

  • Has defined a new purpose for the e-Service. Upon definition, it has been assigned a purposeId by the PDND Platform.

  • Has associated the Client e-service with the defined purpose.

The Provider MUST comply with the following prerequisites:

  • Has successfully subscribed to the PDND Infrastructure (as per R1).

  • Has created a new e-Service and published it within the PDND API Catalogue.

  • Has approved the Consumer's request to enroll in the e-Service.

PDND Voucher for e-Services Flow


Fig. 14 Voucher Issuance for e-Service - Detailed flow

Steps 1-2 (Preparation of Tracked Data): The Consumer prepares a JWT (TrackingEvidence) containing the tracked data that have to be sent to the Provider. Finally, it computes the SHA-256 hash of TrackingEvidence.

Listing 1 Non-normative example of the TrackingEvidence header
    "alg": "ES256",
    "kid": "d4c3b2a1-9876-5432-10fe-dcba98765432",
    "typ": "JWT"
Listing 2 Non-normative example of the TrackingEvidence payload
    "iss": "82914b3f-60b2-4529-b4d6-3d4e67f0a933",
    "aud": "https://erogatore.example/ente-example/v1",
    "exp": 1733052600,
    "nbf": 1733036450,
    "iat": 1733036400,
    "jti": "a4b5c6d7-e8f9-abcd-ef12-345678901234",
    "dnonce": 6528424213685,
    "purposeId": "b2c3d4e5-f6g7-h8i9-j0k1-lmno12345678",
    "userID": "a8b7c6d5-e4f3-g2h1-i9j0-klmnopqrstuv",
    "loa": "substantial"


Steps 1-2 are required only when complying with the AUDIT_REST_02 security pattern.

Step 3 (DPoP Key Pair and Proof): The Consumer MUST create a new key pair for the DPoP and a fresh DPoP proof JWT following the instruction provided in the Section 4 of RFC 9449 for the token request to the PDND Authorization Server.

Step 4 (Voucher Request): The Consumer creates a Voucher Request and sends it to the PDND Authorization Server.

Listing 3 Non-normative example of the Voucher Request
POST /authorization-server/token HTTP/1.1
DPoP: eyJ0eXAiOiJkcG9wK2p3dCIsImFsZyI6IkVTMjU2IiwiandrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwia2V5X29wcyI6WyJzaWduIl0sImtpZCI6IjM5ZmE5NjBiLTc3M2YtNDllZi04YTBlLWU3NzNlOWI5N2FlOCIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6Imh1eVhJUU52OTAyb0xzcFg0X3pvbkM5NEc2eUVsbjZsc2RtLTF3TTczMm8iLCJ5IjoiSTlQREVhd1dIcWFGREd4MVprTmstMlBWNldkcGNhSDNBZk9iQlNMaWhndyJ9fQ.eyJqdGkiOiI1NTBlODQwMC1lMjliLTQxZDQtYTcxNi00NDY2NTU0NDAwMDAiLCJodG0iOiJQT1NUIiwiaHR1IjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pbnRlcm9wLnBhZ29wYS5pdC9hdXRob3JpemF0aW9uLXNlcnZlciIsImlhdCI6MTc2MjI2MDYxNn0.D0ZUDkfGHx_rQBdYi_3VSXkdbJM-7FSWN88LWICQImMWtIWd2mbxGb7v8udfM_c4_ase8x7I3I1JZm01Us3QEA
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Listing 4 Non-normative example of the client_assertion JOSE header
    "alg": "ES256",
    "kid": "d4c3b2a1-9876-5432-10fe-dcba98765432",
    "typ": "JWT"
Listing 5 Non-normative example of the client_assertion payload
    "iss": "82914b3f-60b2-4529-b4d6-3d4e67f0a933",
    "sub": "82914b3f-60b2-4529-b4d6-3d4e67f0a933",
    "aud": "",
    "exp": 1733041440,
    "iat": 1733037840,
    "jti": "7e9f3a4d-c9b2-42f6-a6d4-38e12fb6b8ab",
    "purposeId": "d2b9a653-c497-45c6-b8f1-5bdf124c9d3a",
    "digest": {
        "alg": "SHA256",
        "value": "9c7894a0a5a910580b967f384cdfba17b1ab6f86670e5b0df18a0c453b5eb215"


The purposeId claim in the client_assertion payload is required only when requesting a Voucher for e-Service.


The digest claim in the client_assertion payload is required only when complying with the AUDIT_REST_02 security pattern.

Upon the receipt of the Voucher Request, the PDND Authorization Server MUST perform the following checks on the Voucher Request body parameters:

  • The claim client_assertion_type is set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer.

  • The claim grant_type is set to client_credentials.

The PDND Authorization Server MUST also validate the client_assertion JWT as follows:


  • Ensure that the typ claim is present and that its value is JWT.


  • Obtain the Consumer's public key corresponding to the kid header parameter, by interacting with the PDND Interoperability API.

  • Validate the signature of the JWT using the retrieved Consumer's public key and the algorithm specified by the alg header parameter.


  • The iss and sub claims MUST identify a Client registered in the PDND Infrastructure.

  • The aud claim MUST represent the PDND Authorization Server.

  • The exp claim MUST represent a time instant after the current time.

  • If the nbf claim is present, it MUST represent a time instant prior to the current time.

  • The iat claim MUST represent a time instant prior to the current time.

  • The jti claim MUST NOT have been previously used.

  • The purposeId claim MUST identify a purpose registered in the PDND Infrastructure and associated to the Client.


The PDND Authorization Server does not need to perform any checks on the digest claim.


Verification of the exp, nbf, iat, and jti claims, as detailed above, MUST be performed for all JWTs described within this section. These checks will not be explicitly mentioned in subsequent references.

Step 6 (Voucher Issuance): In case of successful checks, the PDND Authorization Server issues a Voucher, which is included in the Voucher Response to the Consumer.

Listing 6 Non-normative example of the Voucher Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store

    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImI4MzlmNGM3LTFlNWQtNGE4YS05ZmM2LTcyZDNiN2YwOTFlYyIsInR5cCI6ImF0K2p3dCJ9.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.sGhaHEOfMTB7r4_8ZILM_a9eTBGawWn3kL-dxYoZggFIzyrXDOZcQWt0zr00lMk2iYAMWxS32e4cUedmAsBXGw",
    "token_type": "DPoP",
    "expires_in": 3600
Listing 7 Non-normative example of the access_token JOSE header
    "alg": "ES256",
    "kid": "b839f4c7-1e5d-4a8a-9fc6-72d3b7f091ec",
    "typ": "at+jwt"
Listing 8 Non-normative example of the access_token payload
    "iss": "",
    "sub": "82914b3f-60b2-4529-b4d6-3d4e67f0a933",
    "aud": "https://erogatore.example/ente-example/v1",
    "exp": 1733042150,
    "nbf": 1733041945,
    "iat": 1733041920,
    "jti": "c4f5d7e2-b7c8-40f6-9b6a-dc9a4f5aeb57",
    "client_id": "82914b3f-60b2-4529-b4d6-3d4e67f0a933",
    "purposeId": "d2b9a653-c497-45c6-b8f1-5bdf124c9d3a",
    "digest": {
        "alg": "SHA256",
        "value": "9c7894a0a5a910580b967f384cdfba17b1ab6f86670e5b0df18a0c453b5eb215"
    "cnf": {
        "jkt": "0ZcOCORZNYy-DWpqq30jZyJGHTN0d2HglBV3uiguA4I"


The digest claim in the access_token payload is required only when complying with the AUDIT_REST_02 security pattern. If present, it corresponds to the value of the digest claim contained in the client_assertion.

PDND Voucher for Interoperability API

PDND Voucher for Interoperability API Prerequisites

The Participant MUST comply with the following prerequisites:

  • Has successfully subscribed to the PDND Infrastructure.

  • Has created a new Client interop api to interact with the Interoperability API. Upon creation, it has been assigned a client_id by the PDND Platform.

  • Has registered a key pair associated with the Client interop api.

Voucher for Interoperability API Flow


Fig. 15 Voucher Issuance for Interoperability API - Detailed flow

Step 1 (Voucher Request): The Participant creates a Voucher Request and sends it to the PDND Authorization Server.

Listing 9 Non-normative example of the Voucher Request
POST /authorization-server/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Listing 10 Non-normative example of the client_assertion JOSE header
    "alg": "ES256",
    "kid": "9a4d8e3f-8b7d-4c98-926f-2745c6b1f832",
    "typ": "JWT"
Listing 11 Non-normative example of the client_assertion payload
    "iss": "5a3c7f28-91b9-4c4e-89a9-6e2f85d9262b",
    "sub": "5a3c7f28-91b9-4c4e-89a9-6e2f85d9262b",
    "aud": "",
    "exp": 1733233500,
    "iat": 1733232300,
    "jti": "d2c9a7b4-3e81-4d27-b6f7-51a8c9f0a3c6"

Upon the receipt of the Voucher Request, the PDND Authorization Server MUST perform the following checks on the Voucher Request body parameters:

  • The claim client_assertion_type is set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer.

  • The claim grant_type is set to client_credentials.

The PDND Authorization Server MUST also validate the client_assertion JWT as follows:


  • Ensure that the typ claim is present and that its value is JWT.


  • Obtain the Participant's public key corresponding to the kid header parameter, by interacting with the PDND Interoperability API.

  • Validate the signature of the JWT using the retrieved Participant's public key and the algorithm specified by the alg header parameter.


  • The iss and sub claims MUST identify a Client registered in the PDND Infrastructure.

  • The aud claim MUST represent the PDND Authorization Server.

Step 2 (Voucher Issuance): In case of successful checks, the PDND Authorization Server issues a Voucher, which is included in the Voucher Response to the Participant.

Listing 12 Non-normative example of the Voucher Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store

    "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImI4MzlmNGM3LTFlNWQtNGE4YS05ZmM2LTcyZDNiN2YwOTFlYyIsInR5cCI6ImF0K2p3dCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJpbnRlcm9wLnBhZ29wYS5pdCIsInN1YiI6IjVhM2M3ZjI4LTkxYjktNGM0ZS04OWE5LTZlMmY4NWQ5MjYyYiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaW50ZXJvcC5wYWdvcGEuaXQvYXBpL3YxIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMzMjM2NjgwLCJuYmYiOjE3MzMyMzMxNTgsImlhdCI6MTczMzIzMzA4MCwianRpIjoiZjg3ZTJkNWItOWY2NS00ZjBmLThhZDQtOTJlNThlNmIxM2M3IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiNWEzYzdmMjgtOTFiOS00YzRlLTg5YTktNmUyZjg1ZDkyNjJiIn0.SKDDap16Ubi6gYwpKVdBcuhmhF_XnGiHeoxkF8F4IAualYORu_TxnDZqeP_RCcBAxSRkJTFbMihPCLA7DoRQOw",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 3600
Listing 13 Non-normative example of the access_token JOSE header
    "alg": "ES256",
    "kid": "b839f4c7-1e5d-4a8a-9fc6-72d3b7f091ec",
    "typ": "at+jwt"
Listing 14 Non-normative example of the access_token payload
    "iss": "",
    "sub": "5a3c7f28-91b9-4c4e-89a9-6e2f85d9262b",
    "aud": "",
    "exp": 1733236680,
    "nbf": 1733233158,
    "iat": 1733233080,
    "jti": "f87e2d5b-9f65-4f0f-8ad4-92e58e6b13c7",
    "client_id": "5a3c7f28-91b9-4c4e-89a9-6e2f85d9262b"

PDND Authorization Server Endpoint

The PDND Authorization Server Endpoint issues Vouchers to Participants. These Vouchers allow Consumers to access e-Service resources and enable Participants to interact with the Interoperability API.

PDND Voucher Request

The request to the PDND Authorization Server Endpoint adheres to the Client Credentials Grant flow specified in RFC 6749. The client authenticates itself by presenting a JWT-based client assertion as defined in RFC 7521 and RFC 7523.

Following the specifications above, the request MUST be an HTTP POST request with a body encoded in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.

The Voucher Request MUST include the following HTTP header parameters (unless otherwise specified):





DPoP proof JWT, to comply with the REST_JWS_2021_POP security pattern. It is mandatory only if the requested Voucher is for e-Service (i.e., not for Interoperability API).

[RFC 9449], [PDND]

The Voucher Request MUST include the following body parameters:





The unique identifier of the Participant Client, assigned by the PDND.

[RFC 6749], [RFC 7521], [RFC 7523], [PDND]


A JWT representing the client assertion.

[RFC 7521], [RFC 7523], [PDND]


MUST be set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer.

[RFC 7521], [RFC 7523]


MUST be set to client_credentials.

[RFC 6749], [RFC 7523]

The client_assertion JWT MUST include the following JOSE header parameters:





A digital signature algorithm identifier.

[RFC 7515]


Unique identifier of the JWK used by the Participant to sign the client_assertion.

[RFC 7515]


MUST be set to JWT.

[RFC 7515], [RFC 7519]

The client_assertion JWT MUST include the following payload claims (unless otherwise specified):





MUST be set to the same value as client_id.

[RFC 7523]


MUST be set to the same value as client_id.

[RFC 7523]


The identifier of the PDND Authorization Server Endpoint.

[RFC 7523]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT expiration time.

[RFC 7523]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT first validity time (optional).

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT issuance time.

[RFC 7523]


Unique identifier of the JWT to prevent replay attacks.

[RFC 7523]


The identifier of the purpose registered in the PDND Platform, associated with the intended e-Service. It is mandatory only if the requested Voucher is for e-Service (i.e., not for Interoperability API).



JSON object containing the digest of the TrackingEvidence JWT. It is mandatory only if the requested Voucher is for e-Service (i.e., not for Interoperability API), and when complying with AUDIT_REST_02. If present, it MUST contain the following claims:

  • alg: JSON string representing the hashing algorithm;

  • value: JSON string representing the value of the digest.


PDND Voucher Response

The Voucher Response MUST include the following body parameters:





A JWT representing the access token issued by the PDND Authorization Server Endpoint.

[RFC 6749], [RFC 9449], [PDND]


It MUST be set to:

  • DPoP in case of Voucher for e-Service;

  • Bearer in case of Voucher for Interoperability API.

[RFC 6749], [RFC 9449]


Number that represents the lifetime of the access token in seconds as a positive integer.

[RFC 6749], [RFC 9449]

The access_token JWT MUST include the following JOSE header parameters:





A digital signature algorithm identifier.

[RFC 7515]


Unique identifier of the JWK used by the PDND Authorization Server Endpoint to sign the access_token.

[RFC 7515]


MUST be set to at+jwt.

[RFC 9068]

The access_token JWT MUST include the following payload claims (unless otherwise specified):





The identifier of the PDND Authorization Server.

[RFC 7519], [RFC 9068]


The identifier of the Participant, corresponding to the client_id body parameter in the Voucher Request.

[RFC 7519], [RFC 9068]


The identifier of the e-Service.

[RFC 7519], [RFC 9068]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT expiration time.

[RFC 7519], [RFC 9068]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT first validity time (optional).

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT issuance time.

[RFC 7519], [RFC 9068]


Unique identifier of the JWT to prevent replay attacks.

[RFC 7519], [RFC 9068]


MUST correspond to the client_id contained in the Voucher Request.

[RFC 7519], [RFC 8963], [RFC 9068], [PDND]


MUST correspond to the value of the purposeId claim contained in the Voucher Request. It is mandatory only if the requested Voucher is for e-Service (i.e., not for Interoperability API).



MUST correspond to the value of the digest object contained in the Voucher Request. It is mandatory only when complying with AUDIT_REST_02.



It MUST contain a jkt claim being JWK SHA-256 Thumbprint Confirmation Method. The value of the jkt member MUST be the base64url encoding (as defined in [RFC 7515]) of the JWK SHA-256 Thumbprint of the DPoP public key (in JWK format) to which the Access Token is bound.

[RFC 9449. Section 6.1] and [RFC 7638].

If any errors occur during the validation of the Voucher Request, the PDND Authorization Server Endpoint MUST return an error response as defined in RFC 6749#section-5.2. The response MUST use application/json as the content type and MUST include the following parameters:

  • error: The error code.

  • error_description: Text in human-readable form providing further details to clarify the nature of the error encountered.

Listing 15 Non-normative example of a Voucher Error Response
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store

    "error": "invalid_request",
    "error_description": "The client_assertion_type parameter is missing."

The following table lists the HTTP Status Codes and related error codes that MUST be supported for the error response:

Status Code

Error Code


400 Bad Request


The request cannot be fulfilled because it is missing required parameters, contains invalid parameters, or is otherwise malformed [RFC 6749#section-5.2].

400 Bad Request


The request cannot be fulfilled because the provided grant (i.e., client_assertion) is expired, revoked, already used, or otherwise malformed [RFC 6749#section-5.2].

400 Bad Request


The request cannot be fulfilled because the provided grant type is not supported by the PDND Authorization Server [RFC 6749#section-5.2].

400 Bad Request


The request cannot be fulfilled because the provided purposeId is invalid, unknown, malformed, or not associated to the Client [RFC 6749#section-5.2].

400 Bad Request


The request cannot be fulfilled because it contains an invalid DPoP proof [RFC 9449#section-5].

401 Unauthorized


The request cannot be fulfilled because Client Authentication failed (i.e., the client_assertion is malformed, incorrectly signed, missing, or unverifiable) [RFC 6749#section-5.2].

500 Internal Server Error


The request cannot be fulfilled because the PDND Authorization Server encountered an internal problem.

503 Service Unavailable


The request cannot be fulfilled because the PDND Authorization Server is temporarily unavailable (e.g., due to maintenance or overload).

Key Retrieval

PDND Authorization Server Keys


Fig. 16 Key Retrieval for PDND Keys - Detailed flow

Step 1 (Keys Request): The Provider requests for the keys used by the PDND to sign Vouchers.

Listing 16 Non-normative example of the Keys Request
GET /.well-known/jwks.json HTTP/1.1

Step 2 (Keys Response): The .well-known Endpoint returns the list of keys used by the PDND to sign Vouchers, as a JWK Set [RFC 7517].

Listing 17 Non-normative example of the Keys Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "keys": [
        "kty": "RSA",
        "n": "qU2Bp7xgkXBQI2w2PZ5LZGo34TIjoir-ul0x4jZ_d9hN6q...",
        "e": "AQAB",
        "alg": "ES256",
        "kid": "b839f4c7-1e5d-4a8a-9fc6-72d3b7f091ec"
        "kty": "RSA",
        "n": "05VukHBwiE1W_kgUS0zkOyHCrRivgw5cfSTmcvD_phieEY...",
        "e": "AQAB",
        "alg": "ES256",
        "kid": "9432c16b-7aae-49df-b9c4-ea61b556652b"

PDND Authorization Server .well-known Endpoint

The .well-known Endpoint is part of the PDND Infrastructure and used to retrieve the public keys used by the PDND Authorization Server to sign the Vouchers.

PDND Authorization Server Keys Request

The Keys Request is a GET HTTP request sent to the .well-known Endpoint. This endpoint allows Participants to retrieve the public keys necessary to verify digital signatures on Vouchers issued by the PDND Authorization Server.

PDND Authorization Server Keys Response

The .well-known Endpoint responds with a 200 OK status code and a JWK Set [RFC 7517] containing the public keys employed by the PDND Authorization Server to sign Vouchers.

If any errors occur during the retrieval of the keys, the .well-known Endpoint MUST return an error response. The response MUST use application/json as the content type and MUST include the following parameters:

  • error: The error code.

  • error_description: Text in human-readable form providing further details to clarify the nature of the error encountered.

Listing 18 Non-normative example of a Keys Error Response
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: application/json

    "error": "server_error",
    "error_description": "The server encountered an unexpected error."

The following table lists the HTTP Status Codes and related error codes that MUST be supported for the error response:

Status Code

Error Code


500 Internal Server Error


The request cannot be fulfilled because the .well-known Endpoint encountered an internal problem.

503 Service Unavailable


The request cannot be fulfilled because the .well-known Endpoint is temporarily unavailable (e.g., due to maintenance or overload).

Participants' Keys

Participants' Key Retrieval Prerequisites

The Participant who requests the key MUST comply with the following prerequisites:

  • Has successfully subscribed to the PDND Infrastructure (as per R1).

  • Has created a new Client api interop to interact with the PDND Interoperability API. Upon creation, it has been assigned a client_id by the PDND Platform.

  • Has registered a key pair associated with the Client api interop.

  • Has obtained a valid Voucher to query the PDND Interoperability API, related to the specific Client api interop.

Participants' Key Retrieval Flow


Fig. 17 Key Retrieval for Participant's Key - Detailed flow

Step 1 (Key Request): The Participant requests for the key used by another Participant, corresponding to a specific kid, to the PDND Interoperability API.

Listing 19 Non-normative example of the Key Request
GET /keys/c7e3d6a4-5b99-4298-9b84-d8f3a61279f1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImI4MzlmNGM3LTFlNWQtNGE4YS05ZmM2LTcyZDNiN2YwOTFlYyIsInR5cCI6ImF0K2p3dCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJpbnRlcm9wLnBhZ29wYS5pdCIsInN1YiI6IjVhM2M3ZjI4LTkxYjktNGM0ZS04OWE5LTZlMmY4NWQ5MjYyYiIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vaW50ZXJvcC5wYWdvcGEuaXQvYXBpL3YxIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMzMjM2NjgwLCJuYmYiOjE3MzMyMzMxNTgsImlhdCI6MTczMzIzMzA4MCwianRpIjoiZjg3ZTJkNWItOWY2NS00ZjBmLThhZDQtOTJlNThlNmIxM2M3IiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoiNWEzYzdmMjgtOTFiOS00YzRlLTg5YTktNmUyZjg1ZDkyNjJiIn0.SKDDap16Ubi6gYwpKVdBcuhmhF_XnGiHeoxkF8F4IAualYORu_TxnDZqeP_RCcBAxSRkJTFbMihPCLA7DoRQOw

Step 2 (Key Response): The Interoperability API Endpoint returns the requested key, as a JWK [RFC 7517].

Listing 20 Non-normative example of the Key Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "kty": "EC",
    "key_ops": [
    "kid": "b839f4c7-1e5d-4a8a-9fc6-72d3b7f091ec",
    "crv": "P-256",
    "x": "huyXIQNv902oLspX4_zonC94G6yEln6lsdm-1wM732o",
    "y": "I9PDEawWHqaFDGx1ZkNk-2PV6WdpcaH3AfObBSLihgw"


The Interoperability API includes an event notification endpoint that alerts subscribed Participants about changes within the PDND Infrastructure. Among these notifications, the /events/keys endpoint provides updates on modifications to cryptographic material, such as additions or deletions of keys. By leveraging this mechanism, Participants can implement a periodic polling strategy to retrieve all changed keys and update their local cache. This eliminates the need to request each key individually during the workflow.

PDND Interoperability API Endpoint

The Interoperability API Endpoint is part of the PDND Infrastructure and used to retrieve the public keys of other parties enrolled in the PDND.

PDND Interoperability API Key Request

The Key Request is a GET HTTP request sent to the /keys/<kid> API. This request is used to retrieve a specific key identified by its unique kid.

The Key Request MUST include the following HTTP header parameters:





Voucher released by the PDND Authorization Server.

[RFC 9449]

PDND Interoperability API Key Response

In case a public key with the provided kid exists, the Interoperability API Endpoint responds with a 200 OK status code and a JWK [RFC 7517] representing that key.

If any errors occur during the retrieval of the key, the Interoperability API Endpoint MUST return an error response, whose structure depends on the nature of the error.

In case of authentication issues (i.e., invalid or expired Voucher), the response MUST adhere to the error format defined in RFC 6750#section-3, with specific reference to the use of the WWW-Authenticate header parameter.

Listing 21 Non-normative example of a Key Error Response in case of 401 errors
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The access token expired"

For all other errors, the response MUST adhere to the error format defined in RFC 6749#section-5.2. The response MUST use application/json as the content type and MUST include the following parameters:

  • error: The error code.

  • error_description: Text in human-readable form providing further details to clarify the nature of the error encountered.

Listing 22 Non-normative example of a Key Error Response in case of other errors
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

    "error": "invalid_request",
    "error_description": "The kid parameter is missing."

The following table lists the HTTP Status Codes and related error codes that MUST be supported for the error response:

Status Code

Error Code


400 Bad Request


The request cannot be fulfilled because it is missing required parameters, contains invalid parameters or is otherwise malformed [RFC 6750#section-3.1].

401 Unauthorized


The request cannot be fulfilled because the Voucher is expired, revoked, malformed, or otherwise invalid [RFC 6750#section-3.1].

404 Not Found


The request cannot be fulfilled because no public key corresponding to the provided kid has been found.

500 Internal Server Error


The request cannot be fulfilled because the Interoperability API Endpoint encountered an internal problem.

503 Service Unavailable


The request cannot be fulfilled because the Interoperability API Endpoint is temporarily unavailable (e.g., due to maintenance or overload).

e-Service Usage

e-Service Usage Prerequisites

The Consumer MUST comply with the following prerequisites:

  • Has obtained a valid Voucher to interact with the intended e-Service, related to a specific Client e-service.

The Provider MUST comply with the following prerequisites:

  • Has created a new key ring associated with the specific e-Service.

  • Has registered a key pair associated with the key ring.


The Provider's key ring is the counterpart to the Client on the Consumer's side. It stores cryptographic material, allowing Consumers to verify the integrity of responses from Providers.

e-Service Usage Flow


Fig. 18 e-Service Usage - Detailed flow

Step 1 (Signature Preparation): The Consumer prepares a JWT (Signature) containing the signed headers of the message, to ensure integrity.

Listing 23 Non-normative example of the Signature header
    "alg": "ES256",
    "kid": "d4c3b2a1-9876-5432-10fe-dcba98765432",
    "typ": "JWT"
Listing 24 Non-normative example of the Signature payload
    "iss": "9a8b7c6d-e5f4-g3h2-i1j0-klmnopqrstuv",
    "sub": "9a8b7c6d-e5f4-g3h2-i1j0-klmnopqrstuv",
    "aud": "https://erogatore.example/ente-example/v1",
    "iat": 1733397840,
    "nbf": 1733401628,
    "exp": 1733401440,
    "jti": "d3f7b2c9-274a-42b7-8f8d-2e9d8b1734b0",
    "signed_headers": [
        {"digest": "SHA-256=72e18bdddf13c911b4dd562ee21979a5c9f235c3a01bd1426e857d8c1a282f41"},
        {"content-type": "application/json"}


Step 1 is required to comply with the INTEGRITY_REST_02 security pattern.

Step 2 (DPoP Proof for e-Service Endpoint): The Consumer MUST create a fresh DPoP Proof JWT following the instruction provided in the Section 4 of [RFC 9449] for the token presentation to the e-Service Endpoint.

Step 3 (e-Service Request): The Consumer sends an e-Service Request to the Provider, including the Voucher.

Listing 25 Non-normative example of the e-Service Request
POST /ente-example/v1/hello/echo/ HTTP/1.1
Host: erogatore.example
DPoP: eyJ0eXAiOiJkcG9wK2p3dCIsImFsZyI6IkVTMjU2IiwiandrIjp7Imt0eSI6IkVDIiwia2V5X29wcyI6WyJzaWduIl0sImtpZCI6IjM5ZmE5NjBiLTc3M2YtNDllZi04YTBlLWU3NzNlOWI5N2FlOCIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6Imh1eVhJUU52OTAyb0xzcFg0X3pvbkM5NEc2eUVsbjZsc2RtLTF3TTczMm8iLCJ5IjoiSTlQREVhd1dIcWFGREd4MVprTmstMlBWNldkcGNhSDNBZk9iQlNMaWhndyJ9fQ.eyJqdGkiOiIyYzc2ZmNhMy1jYjRlLTQzMTItOGI2ZS05NzQ5NDYyZjQyMGQiLCJodG0iOiJQT1NUIiwiYXRoIjoiM2UwOGRlMWQwYTNkZjIzNWZjZmNjZjYyNjdmYTUwYTU5YmEyYTk1NTI2YzdjZTY3MDY1YjhlMjZkYmI5NDQ1MSIsImh0dSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZXJvZ2F0b3JlLmV4YW1wbGUvZW50ZS1leGFtcGxlL3YxIiwiaWF0IjoxNzYyMjYyNjE2fQ.kvXh8H9B5DWCNlWyNB_PzRH217j1NHnIkE_55WnEixt2RbQTGrCS6AFAznREA85dzqwAAaHb_qHtDc5BR0lLmQ
Agid-JWT-Signature: eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImQ0YzNiMmExLTk4NzYtNTQzMi0xMGZlLWRjYmE5ODc2NTQzMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiI5YThiN2M2ZC1lNWY0LWczaDItaTFqMC1rbG1ub3BxcnN0dXYiLCJzdWIiOiI5YThiN2M2ZC1lNWY0LWczaDItaTFqMC1rbG1ub3BxcnN0dXYiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2Vyb2dhdG9yZS5leGFtcGxlL2VudGUtZXhhbXBsZS92MSIsImlhdCI6MTczMzM5Nzg0MCwibmJmIjoxNzMzNDAxNjI4LCJleHAiOjE3MzM0MDE0NDAsImp0aSI6ImQzZjdiMmM5LTI3NGEtNDJiNy04ZjhkLTJlOWQ4YjE3MzRiMCIsInNpZ25lZF9oZWFkZXJzIjpbeyJkaWdlc3QiOiJTSEEtMjU2PTcyZTE4YmRkZGYxM2M5MTFiNGRkNTYyZWUyMTk3OWE1YzlmMjM1YzNhMDFiZDE0MjZlODU3ZDhjMWEyODJmNDEifSx7ImNvbnRlbnQtdHlwZSI6ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL2pzb24ifV19.DpuBNo2UgQhL7WLin4mpdZrbIpQq3tPvCX6HfktkxG7L5mk6a8OK1Hg0mQcZfFi3gelS-aL9kFS-6MoSy4csBg
Digest: SHA-256=72e18bdddf13c911b4dd562ee21979a5c9f235c3a01bd1426e857d8c1a282f41
Agid-JWT-TrackingEvidence: eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImQ0YzNiMmExLTk4NzYtNTQzMi0xMGZlLWRjYmE5ODc2NTQzMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiI4MjkxNGIzZi02MGIyLTQ1MjktYjRkNi0zZDRlNjdmMGE5MzMiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2Vyb2dhdG9yZS5leGFtcGxlL2VudGUtZXhhbXBsZS92MSIsImV4cCI6MTczMzA1MjYwMCwibmJmIjoxNzMzMDM2NDUwLCJpYXQiOjE3MzMwMzY0MDAsImp0aSI6ImE0YjVjNmQ3LWU4ZjktYWJjZC1lZjEyLTM0NTY3ODkwMTIzNCIsImRub25jZSI6NjUyODQyNDIxMzY4NSwicHVycG9zZUlkIjoiYjJjM2Q0ZTUtZjZnNy1oOGk5LWowazEtbG1ubzEyMzQ1Njc4IiwidXNlcklEIjoiYThiN2M2ZDUtZTRmMy1nMmgxLWk5ajAta2xtbm9wcXJzdHV2IiwibG9hIjoic3Vic3RhbnRpYWwifQ.bhb3f3aWEuK-bZWjyKRWrJ4hYUWhw2SQ-yRz0kUFjPQTVagjXuTqyhxsHO4KXeSX9SivgaLSvw4n9BeZa7APbQ
Content-Type: application/json

    "parameter1": "value1",
    "parameter2": "value2"

The Provider MUST validate the DPoP proof [RFC 9449].

The Provider MUST validate the Voucher as follows:


  • Ensure that the typ claim is present and that its value is at+jwt.


  • Retrieve the collection of public keys published at the .well-known endpoint. From this collection, select the public key whose identifier corresponds to the value of the kid header parameter in the Voucher.

  • Validate the signature of the access_token using the retrieved public key and the algorithm specified by the alg header parameter.


  • The iss claim MUST identify the domain of the PDND Authorization Server.

  • The sub claim MUST correspond to the client_id claim.

  • The aud claim MUST match the intended e-Service.

  • The cnf.jkt claim MUST correspond to the SHA-256 Thumbprint of the DPoP public key in the jwk claim in the DPoP proof.


If the Provider requires additional context about the request, it can interact with the PDND Interoperability API by passing the value of the purposeId as a parameter.

The Provider MUST validate the TrackingEvidence JWT as follows:


  • Ensure that the typ claim is present and that its value is JWT.


  • Obtains the Consumer's public key corresponding to the kid header parameter, by interacting with the PDND Interoperability API.

  • Validate the signature of the JWT using the retrieved Consumer's public key and the algorithm specified by the alg header parameter.


  • The iss claim MUST identify the Consumer Client.

  • The aud claim MUST identify the Provider.

In addition, the Provider MUST ensure that the hash of the TrackingEvidence JWT matches the value of the digest.value claim contained in the access_token payload.


The validation of the TrackingEvidence JWT is required only when complying with the AUDIT_REST_02 security pattern.

The Provider MUST validate the Signature JWT as follows:


  • Ensure that the typ claim is present and that its value is JWT.


  • Validate the signature of the JWT using the retrieved Consumer's public key and the algorithm specified by the alg header parameter.


  • The iss and sub claims MUST identify the Consumer Client.

  • The aud claim MUST identify the Provider.

In addition, the Provider MUST validate the integrity of the e-Service Request, by checking that:

  • The signed_headers.content-type claim matches the value of the Content-Type HTTP header of the e-Service Request.

  • The signed_headers.digest claim matches the value of the digest of the payload of the e-Service Request, as well as the value of the Digest HTTP header of the e-Service Request.

If any of the previous checks fail, the Provider MUST reject the Request.

Step 4 (e-Service Response): Upon successful checks, the Provider provides the Consumer with the requested data.

Listing 26 Non-normative example of the e-Service Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/jwt

Listing 27 Non-normative example of the e-Service Response JWT header
    "alg": "ES256",
    "kid": "2802a69-1604-4261-9246-21453e20658e",
    "typ": "JWT"
Listing 28 Non-normative example of the e-Service Response JWT payload
    "iss": "https://erogatore.example/ente-example/v1",
    "aud": "9a8b7c6d-e5f4-g3h2-i1j0-klmnopqrstuv",
    "exp": 1733401785,
    "nbf": 1733401387,
    "iat": 1733401256,
    "jti": "997532e-871a-4969-9999-123456789abc",
    "requestedField1": "value1",
    "requestedField2": "value2",
    "requestedField3": "value3"

The Consumer MUST perform the following steps to validate the e-Service Response JWT:


  • Ensure that the typ claim is present and that its value is JWT.


  • Obtain the Provider's public key corresponding to the kid header parameter, by interacting with the PDND Interoperability API.

  • Validate the signature of the JWT using the retrieved Provider's public key and the algorithm specified by the alg header parameter.


  • The iss claim MUST identify the Provider.

  • The aud claim MUST identify the Consumer Client itself.

e-Service Endpoint

e-Service Request

The e-Service Request MUST include the following HTTP header parameters (unless otherwise specified):





Voucher released by the PDND Authorization Server.

[RFC 9449], [MODI], [PDND]


DPoP proof JWT, to comply with the REST_JWS_2021_POP security pattern.

[RFC 9449], [PDND]


JWT containing the signature of the message headers whose integrity needs to be guaranteed, to comply with the INTEGRITY_REST_02 security pattern.



Digest of the message payload, to comply with the INTEGRITY_REST_02 security pattern. According to RFC 3230, the format MUST be the following: <digest-algorithm>=<encoded digest output>.

[RFC 3230], [MODI]


JWT containing the data tracker in the Consumer's domain. It is mandatory only when complying with AUDIT_REST_02.


The Signature JWT, contained in the Agid-JWT-Signature HTTP header, MUST include the following JOSE header parameters:





A digital signature algorithm identifier.

[RFC 7515]


Unique identifier of the JWK used by the Consumer to sign the JWT.

[RFC 7515]


MUST be set to JWT.

[RFC 7515], [RFC 7519]

The Signature JWT, contained in the Agid-JWT-Signature HTTP header, MUST include the following payload claims:





MUST be set to the same value as client_id.

[RFC 7519]


MUST be set to the same value as client_id.

[RFC 7519]


The identifier of the Provider.

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT expiration time.

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT first validity time (optional).

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT issuance time.

[RFC 7519]


Unique identifier of the JWT to prevent replay attacks.

[RFC 7519]


JSON object containing the signed headers whose integrity needs to be protected, to with INTEGRITY_REST_02. It MUST contain the following claims:

  • digest: JSON string representing the signature of the Digest HTTP header

  • content-type: JSON string representing the signature of the Content-Type HTTP header


If present, the TrackingEvidence JWT, contained in the Agid-JWT-TrackingEvidence HTTP header, MUST include the following JOSE header parameters:





A digital signature algorithm identifier.

[RFC 7515]


Unique identifier of the JWK used by the Consumer to sign the JWT.

[RFC 7515]


MUST be set to JWT.

[RFC 7515], [RFC 7519]

If present, the TrackingEvidence JWT, contained in the Agid-JWT-TrackingEvidence HTTP header, MUST include the following payload claims:





MUST be set to the same value as client_id.

[RFC 7519]


The identifier of the Provider.

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT expiration time.

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT first validity time (optional).

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT issuance time.

[RFC 7519]


Unique identifier of the JWT to prevent replay attacks.

[RFC 7519]


The identifier of the purpose registered in the PDND Platform, associated with the intended e-Service.



It MUST be a random string composed by integer numbers and with a length of 13 digits.


The TrackingEvidence payload MUST also contains the tracked data agreed upon with the Provider.

e-Service Response

The e-Service Response is a JWT serialized in application/jwt format.

The e-Service Response JWT MUST include the following JOSE header parameters:





A digital signature algorithm identifier.

[RFC 7515]


Unique identifier of the JWK used by the Provider to sign the JWT.

[RFC 7515]


MUST be set to JWT.

[RFC 7515], [RFC 7519]

The e-Service Response JWT MUST include the following payload claims:





The identifier of the e-Service.

[RFC 7519]


The identifier of the Consumer.

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT expiration time.

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT first validity time (optional).

[RFC 7519]


UNIX timestamp representing the JWT issuance time.

[RFC 7519]


Unique identifier of the JWT to prevent replay attacks.

[RFC 7523]

The e-Service Response JWT payload includes specific claims related to the data elements provided to the Consumer.

If any errors occur during the validation of the e-Service Request, the e-Service Endpoint MUST return an error response, whose structure depends on the nature of the error.

In case of authentication issues (i.e., invalid or expired Voucher), the response MUST adhere to the error format defined in RFC 6750#section-3 and RFC 9449#section-7.1, with specific reference to the use of the WWW-Authenticate header parameter.

Listing 29 Non-normative example of an e-Service Error Response in case of 401 errors
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: DPoP error="invalid_token", error_description="The access token expired"

For all other errors, the response MUST adhere to the error format defined in RFC 6749#section-5.2. The response MUST use application/json as the content type and MUST include the following parameters:

  • error: The error code.

  • error_description: Text in human-readable form providing further details to clarify the nature of the error encountered.

Listing 30 Non-normative example of an e-Service Error Response in case of other errors
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

    "error": "invalid_request",
    "error_description": "The Agid-JWT-Signature header parameter is missing."

The following table lists the HTTP Status Codes and related error codes that MUST be supported for the error response:

Status Code

Error Code


400 Bad Request


The request cannot be fulfilled because it is missing required parameters, contains invalid parameters, or is otherwise malformed [RFC 6750#section-3.1].

400 Bad Request


The request cannot be fulfilled because it contains an invalid DPoP proof [RFC 9449#section-5].

401 Unauthorized


The request cannot be fulfilled because the Voucher is expired, revoked, or otherwise malformed [RFC 6750#section-3.1].

500 Internal Server Error


The request cannot be fulfilled because the e-Service Endpoint encountered an internal problem.

503 Service Unavailable


The request cannot be fulfilled because the e-Service Endpoint is temporarily unavailable (e.g., due to maintenance or overload).

e-Service PDND Catalogue

Credential Issuer Catalogue

Credential Issuers MUST provide the following e-services through PDND to:

  • manage data availability notifications and attribute updates coming from an Authentic Source;

  • revoke Digital Credentials issued to a revoked Wallet Instance

  • provide statistics about issued Credentials


A complete OpenAPI Specification is available here.

Notify Available Credential


This service informs Users when a specific credential has become available to be entered into the Wallet


PID/(Q)EAA Provider


Authentic Source

Notify Update Credential


The service is designed to receive from Authentic Source (AS), via PDND, notification of a change of status and/or value of a specific attribute (e.g. MDL) with which a digital document issued by the Credential Issuer is associated.


PID/(Q)EAA Provider


Authentic Source

Notify Wallet Instance Revocation


This service revokes all Digital Credentials associated with a specific User


PID/(Q)EAA Provider


Wallet Provider

Get Statistics


This service returns statistical data on issued Digital Credentials


PID/(Q)EAA Provider


Authorized Third Party

Authentic Source Catalogue

Public Authentic Sources MUST provide the following e-service through PDND to provide the Credential Issuer with User's attributes required to the issuance of a Digital Credential.


A complete OpenAPI Specification is available here.

Get Attribute Claims


This service provides the Credential Issuer with all attribute claims necessary for the issuance of a Digital Credential.


Authentic Source


PID/(Q)EAA Provider