Relying Party Solution¶
This section describes how a Relying Party may ask to a Wallet Instance the presentation of the PID and the (Q)EAAs, according the following specifications:
In this section the following flows are described:
Same Device Flow, where the Verifier and the Wallet Instance acts in the same device.
Remote Cross Device Flow, where the Verifier and the Wallet Instance acts in different devices and the Verifier is a remote Relying Party.
The flows are analyzed in this chapter, taking into account security and privacy considerations.
Relying Party and Verifier are the same entity.
Same Device Flow¶
In the Same Device Authorization Flow, the User interacts with a Verifier that resides in the same device of the Wallet Instance. This scenario utilizes HTTP redirects to finalize the authorization phase and obtain Verifiable Presentation(s).
This flow will be described more in detail in future releases of this documentation.
Remote Cross Device Flow¶
In the Cross Device Authorization Flow, the User interacts with a remote Relying Party. This scenario requests the Verifier to show a QR Code which the User frames with their Wallet Instance.
Once the Relying Party authentication is performed by the Wallet Instance, the User gives the consent for the release of the personal data, in the form of a Verifiable Presentation.
Id |
Description |
1 |
The User asks for access to a protected resource, the Relying Party redirects the User to a discovery page in which the User selects the Login with the Wallet button. The Authorization flow starts. |
2 |
The Relying Party creates an Authorization Request which contains the scopes of the request. |
3 |
The Relying Party inserts the reference URI of the request_uri into a QR Code. |
4 |
The QR Code is shown to the User that frames it. |
5 and 6 |
The Wallet Instance decodes the QR Code and extracts the Request URI from the payload of the QR Code. |
7 |
The Wallet Instance requests the content of the Authorization Request by invoking the Request URI, passing an Authorization DPoP HTTP Header containing the Wallet Instance Attestation and the DPoP proof HTTP Header. |
8 |
The Relying Party attests the trust to the Wallet Instance using the Wallet Instance Attestation and verifies its capabilities. |
9 |
The Relying Party issues a signed Request Object, returning it as response. |
10 |
The Wallet Instance verifies Request Object JWS. |
11 |
The Wallet Instance attests the trust to the Relying Party by verifying the |
12 and 13 |
The Wallet Instance verifies the signature of the request and processes the Relying Party metadata to attests its capabilities and allowed scopes, attesting which Verifiable Credentials and personal attributes the Relying Party is granted to request. |
14 |
The Wallet Instance requests the User's consent for the release of the credentials. |
15 |
The User authorizes and consents the presentation of their credentials, by selecting/deselecting the personal data to release. |
16 |
The Wallet Instance provides the Authorization Response to the Relying Party. |
17 |
The Relying Party attests the Credential Issuer trust. |
18 |
The Relying Party verifies the signature of the Authorization Response JWS. |
19 |
The Relying Party verifies the Authorization Response, performs checks for integrity, revocation and proof of possession of the presented credentials. |
20 |
The Relying Party notifies the Wallet Instance that the operation ends successfully. |
Request Object Details¶
The following actions are made by the Wallet Instance:
scan the QR Code;
extract from the payload the
parameter;invoke the retrieved URI;
provide in the request its Wallet instance Attestation, using DPOP to proof the legitimate possession of it;
obtain the signed request object from the Relying Party.
Below a non-normative example of HTTP request made by the Wallet Instance to the Relying Party to provide the Wallet Instance Attestion and retrieve the signed request object:
GET /request_uri HTTP/1.1
Authorization: DPoP $WalletInstanceAttestation
DPoP: $WalletInstanceAttestationProofOfPossession
More detailed information about the Wallet Instance Attestation is available in its dedicated section of this technical specification.
To attest an high level of security, the Wallet Instance submits its Wallet Instance Attestation to the Relying Party, disclosing its capabilities and the security level attested by its Wallet Provider.
Herein the description of the parameters defined in OAuth 2.0 Demonstration of Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP).
The use of DPoP doesn't represent any breaking changes to Wallet Instances that do not support DPoP to a request_uri endpoint, since it is assumed to use it as an additional security mechanisms for the attestation of the status of the Wallet Instance.
If the DPoP HTTP Header is missing, the Relying Party would assume the lowest attestable level of security to the Wallet Instance it is interacting with.
DPoP HTTP Header¶
A DPoP proof is included in the request using the HTTP Header DPoP
and containing a JWS. The JWS MUST be signed with the public key made available in the Wallet Instance Attestation (Authorization: DPoP
The JOSE header of the DPoP JWS MUST contain at least the following parameters:
JOSE header |
Description |
Reference |
typ |
It MUST be equal to |
alg |
A digital signature algorithm identifier such as per IANA "JSON Web Signature and Encryption Algorithms" registry. It MUST be one of the supported algorithms in Section Cryptographic Algorithms <supported_algs>`* and MUST NOT be none or an identifier for a symmetric algorithm (MAC). |
[RFC 7515] |
jwk |
representing the public key chosen by the client, in JSON Web Key (JWK) [RFC7517] format, as defined in Section 4.1.3 of [RFC7515]. It MUST NOT contain a private key. |
The payload of a DPoP proof MUST contain at least the following claims:
Claim |
Description |
Reference |
jti |
Unique identifier for the DPoP proof JWT. The value MUST be assigned in a UUID v4 string format according to [RFC 4122]. |
[RFC 7519. Section 4.1.7]. |
htm |
The value of the HTTP method of the request to which the JWT is attached. |
[RFC 9110. Section 9.1]. |
htu |
The HTTP target URI, without query and fragment parts, of the request to which the JWS is attached. |
[RFC 9110. Section 7.1]. |
iat |
UNIX Timestamp with the time of JWT issuance, coded as NumericDate as indicated in RFC 7519. |
[RFC 7519. Section 4.1.6]. |
ath |
Hash of the Wallet Instance Attestation. |
[DPOP. Section 4.2]. |
Therein a non-normative example of the DPoP decoded content:
"typ": "dpop+jwt",
"alg": "ES256",
"jwk": {
"kty": "EC",
"x": "l8tFrhx-34tV3hRICRDY9zCkDlpBhF42UQUfWVAWBFs",
"y": "9VE4jf_Ok_o64zbTTlcuNJajHmt6v9TDVrU0CdvGRDA",
"crv": "P-256"
"jti": "f47c96a1-f928-4768-aa30-ef32dc78aa69",
"htm": "GET",
"htu": "",
"iat": 1562262616,
"ath": "fUHyO2r2Z3DZ53EsNrWBb0xWXoaNy59IiKCAqksmQEo"
Request URI response¶
The Relying Party issues a signed request object, where a non-normative example in the form of decoded header and payload is shown below:
"alg": "ES256",
"typ": "JWT",
"kid": "e0bbf2f1-8c3a-4eab-a8ac-2e8f34db8a47",
"trust_chain": [
"scope": " pid-sd-jwt:unique_id+given_name+family_name",
"client_id_scheme": "entity_id",
"client_id": "",
"response_mode": "direct_post.jwt",
"response_type": "vp_token",
"response_uri": "",
"nonce": "2c128e4d-fc91-4cd3-86b8-18bdea0988cb",
"state": "3be39b69-6ac1-41aa-921b-3e6c07ddcb03",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1672418465,
"exp": 1672422065
The JWS header parameters are described herein:
Name |
Description |
alg |
Algorithm used to sign the JWT, according to [RFC 7516#section-4.1.1]. It MUST be one of the supported algorithms in Section Cryptographic Algorithms and MUST NOT be none or an identifier for a symmetric algorithm (MAC). |
typ |
Media Type of the JWT, as defined in [RFC 7519]. |
kid |
Key ID of the public key needed to verify the JWS signature, as defined in [RFC 7517]. Required if |
trust_chain |
Sequence of Entity Statements that composes a Trust Chain related to the Relying Party, as defined in OIDC-FED Section 3.2.1. Trust Chain Header Parameter. |
The JWS payload parameters are described herein:
Name |
Description |
scope |
Aliases for well-defined Presentation Definitions IDs. It will be used to identify which required credentials and User attributes are requested by the Relying Party. |
client_id_scheme |
String identifying the scheme of the value in the |
client_id |
Unique Identifier of the Relying Party. |
response_mode |
Used to ask the Wallet Instance in which way it has to send the response. It MUST be |
response_type |
The supported response type, MUST be set to``vp_token``. |
response_uri |
The Response URI to which the Wallet Instance MUST send the Authorization Response using an HTTPs POST. |
nonce |
Fresh cryptographically random number with sufficient entropy used for security reason, which length MUST be at least 32 digits. |
state |
Unique identifier of the Authorization Request. |
iss |
The entity that issued the JWT. It will be populated with the Verifier URI |
iat |
The NumericDate representing the time at which the JWT was issued |
exp |
The NumericDate representing the expiration time on or after which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing. |
The usage of scope
instead of presentation_definition
is still under discussion and needs better refinements.
Here a non-normative example of presentation_definition
"presentation_definition": {
"id": "pid-sd-jwt:unique_id+given_name+family_name",
"input_descriptors": [
"id": "",
"name": "Person Identification Data",
"purpose": "User authentication",
"format": "vc+sd-jwt",
"constraints": {
"fields": [
"path": [
"limit_discolusre": "preferred"
The following parameters, even if defined in [OID4VP], are not mentioned in the previous non-normative example, since their usage is conditional and may change in future release of this documentation.
: JSON object according to Presentation Exchange. This parameter MUST not be present whenpresentation_definition_uri
are present.presentation_definition_uri
: string containing an HTTPS URL pointing to a resource where a Presentation Definition JSON object can be retrieved. This parameter MUST be present whenpresentation_definition parameter
or ascope
value representing a Presentation Definition is not present.client_metadata
: A JSON object containing the Verifier metadata values. Theclient_metadata
parameter MUST NOT be present whenclient_id_scheme
. Theclient_metadata
is taken fromtrust_chain
: string containing an HTTPS URL pointing to a resource where a JSON object with the Verifier metadata can be retrieved. Theclient_metadata_uri
parameter MUST NOT be present whenclient_id_scheme
: the redirect URI to which the Wallet Instance MUST redirect the Authorization Response. This parameter MUST not be present whenresponse_uri
is present.
Relying Party Entity Configuration¶
According to the Trust Model section, the Verifier is a Federation Entity and MUST expose a .well-known endpoint containing its Entity Configuration.
Below a non-normative example of the request made by the Wallet Instance to the openid-federation .well-known endpoint to obtain the Relying Party Entity Configuration:
GET /.well-known/openid-federation HTTP/1.1
Below is a non-normative response example:
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "2HnoFS3YnC9tjiCaivhWLVUJ3AxwGGz_98uRFaqMEEs",
"typ": "entity-statement+jwt"
"exp": 1649590602,
"iat": 1649417862,
"iss": "",
"sub": "",
"jwks": {
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"n": "5s4qi …",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "2HnoFS3YnC9tjiCaivhWLVUJ3AxwGGz_98uRFaqMEEs"
"metadata": {
"wallet_relying_party": {
"application_type": "web",
"client_id": "",
"client_name": "Name of an example organization",
"jwks": {
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"use": "sig",
"n": "1Ta-sE …",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": "YhNFS3YnC9tjiCaivhWLVUJ3AxwGGz_98uRFaqMEEs",
"x5c": [ "..." ]
"contacts": [
"request_uris": [
"redirect_uris": [
"default_acr_values": [
"vp_formats": {
"jwt_vp_json": {
"alg": [
"presentation_definitions": [
"id": "pid-sd-jwt:unique_id+given_name+family_name",
"input_descriptors": [
"id": "sd-jwt",
"format": {
"jwt": {
"alg": [
"constraints": {
"limit_disclosure": "required",
"fields": [
"path": [
"filter": {
"type": "string",
"const": "PersonIdentificationData"
"path": [
"filter": {
"type": "object",
"path": [
"intent_to_retain": "true"
"path": [
"intent_to_retain": "true"
"path": [
"intent_to_retain": "true"
"id": "mDL-sample-req",
"input_descriptors": [
"id": "mDL",
"format": {
"mso_mdoc": {
"alg": [
"constraints": {
"limit_disclosure": "required",
"fields": [
"path": [
"filter": {
"type": "string",
"const": "org.iso.18013.5.1.mDL"
"path": [
"filter": {
"type": "string",
"const": "org.iso.18013.5.1"
"path": [
"intent_to_retain": "false"
"path": [
"intent_to_retain": "false"
"path": [
"intent_to_retain": "false"
"default_max_age": 1111,
// JARM related
"authorization_signed_response_alg": [[
"authorization_encrypted_response_alg": [
"authorization_encrypted_response_enc": [
// SIOPv2 related
"subject_type": "pairwise",
"require_auth_time": true,
"id_token_signed_response_alg": [
"id_token_encrypted_response_alg": [
"id_token_encrypted_response_enc": [
"federation_entity": {
"organization_name": "OpenID Wallet Verifier example",
"homepage_uri": "",
"policy_uri": "",
"logo_uri": "",
"contacts": [
"authority_hints": [
The Entity Configuration is a JWS, where its header parameters are defined below:
Name |
Description |
alg |
Algorithm used to sign the JWT |
typ |
Media Type of the JWT |
kid |
Key ID used identifying the key used to sign the JWS |
While each metadata specific parameter is defined below:
Name |
Description |
Specs |